
How to get your body to the fitness level you want.

This book is not for the fitness fanatics, bodybuilders, weightlifters or any other professional athlete. No, it is for the average person, man or women who have become overwhelmed by the complexity of how best to get and keep fit.

A word of warning though! By following the exercises laid out before you in this programme you will not get a chiselled six pack, bulging biceps or thighs like King Kong. Also, the book is for all those who want to strike out on their own without having to pay hearty gym fees or spend hour upon hour in a sweaty gym. It’s for the average person seething with frustration at their anaemic bodies. It’s about taking your training or lack of it to the next level.

Those of you who have read my other publications will know that I deliberately keep everything simple and easy to understand and I do not pack it out with useless fluff just the information you need to achieve the said aim.