Kettlebell Training For All Round Total Fitness
KeywordsAt Last! Revealed…The Secret of Soviet Supermen and The USSR Elite Special Forces Fighting Machine…
The Spartan Warrior Kettlbell Masterclass self-study manual of Kettlebell training is for MMA, UFC and all other Combat arts.
IT’S THE ORIGNAL Russian recipe for doubling or trebling your strength. Used by the toughest Soviet shock troops, kettlebell training is one of the most effective means of strength training. Kettlebells improve fitness and strength across the board. It’s the symbol of strength and the backbone of Russian military total body fitness training.
You can use it anywhere it’s a compact gym in itself. A kettlebell is nothing more than a cannon ball with a handle. However, it will give you a take no prisoners workout. Are you tough enough for the hard man training? It’s the single most tool for developing explosive muscle gain and all round total fitness.
The Spartan Warrior Kettlbell Masterclass is no excuses hard core training with Balls.
Is your spirit tough enough?
The exercises in the manual are practical and well illustrated.